Imagine releasing your book to the world, confident it’s as polished as it could be. What would it feel like to communicate your message effectively and clearly once you’ve hit publish? 

“You will learn from a professional editor and improve your craft based on their feedback, then you can carry those lessons into your next book, so it is an investment in your writing future.” - JoAnna Penn 

We’ve all seen the memes of how brutal an editor can be. Maybe you have flashbacks of your cranky English teacher marking up your paper and making you feel like an idiot. I’m on a mission to change that.
I want to make editing one of your favorite parts of writing a book. 

What if editing was
the *best* part?

Not sure if a sentence or idea is communicated clearly? Editing will clear it right up!  


No more trying to Google all the rules or digging deep into a Stylebook. You’ve done the hard work of writing it already! 


Even if English was your favorite subject, an extra pair of trained eyes will show you how to clarify and tighten.  


Editing makes your message more clear and impactful.  

If writing a book is like building a house, then you need different professionals to finish the job. You don’t want the architect installing the plumbing or the contractor designing the walls. One person working on the whole book will give you a subpar result. A professional editor will get the job finished with excellence. 

Line Editing | $.04/word
Copyediting | $.02/word
Both | $.06/word


I know exactly what you need

Compassionate and sharp editing for a polished manuscript ready for publication!


You'll get a fresh copy within our agreed timeframe


Corrections are made through Track Changes in Word


You'll send me your manuscript in Word


We start with a sample edit to make sure you feel good about the edits


Here's what you'll get


The world of editing can send anyone over the edge with confusion. Consider editing like building a house. 

Developmental editing is building the foundation. 

Line editing is putting up the walls. 

Copyediting is decorating the walls. 

Think of it this way.

not sure what edits you need?

marie petry

"Thank you, Mikaela, for your time, listening ear, and coaching advice for me. It was very helpful and applicable. I appreciate our hour zoom meeting." 


With my first two self-published books, I asked friends to catch my typos and grammar errors. They were "free" but they were not professional editors, so unfortunately they did not catch all my mistakes. This meant that the early buyers of those books now own copies with multiple errors. This is very embarrassing. This also meant that I needed to submit several revisions of my first two books to the publisher before we got it right. In fact I have a whole box of author copies in my closet that contain errors--I don't even want to give those away for free! I may have saved some money by asking friends, but I paid for it in wasted time and wasted author copies. So, for me, hiring Mikaela gave me peace of mind and confidence that my book would be error-free and that I'd be releasing a professional product--the first time!

A professional edit
the first time

We start off with a sample edit of 1000 words to make sure you are comfortable with my edits. If you like what you see, you’ll email me your manuscript and I’ll make changes in Microsoft Word with Track Changes. Your manuscript will be edited but YOU have full control over what ultimately gets changed. Once your manuscript is returned, you will accept or reject changes. 

What does the process look like? 

Frequently Asked Questions

No fear! You’ll receive an easy to follow video on how to use them and make this the easiest process ever. 

I don’t know how to work Track Changes. 

Oh, I LOVE that you’re inviting people into your work! That’s not easy. But editing is more than just knowing proper grammar. Editors are trained to adhere to style standards and how to tighten sentences beyond simple grammar rules. (Regardless, do you know how demanding a teacher’s schedule is?! A professional editor can give you all of her professional time to read it thoroughly.) 

My friend is an English teacher, so I don’t need an editor. 

Excellent editing requires careful combing and correcting, so please expect about 3 weeks per 25k words for line editing; 2 weeks per 25k words for copy editing. My calendar gets full quickly so please book as quickly in advance as you can! 

How long will it take? 

Absolutely! In fact, one of my clients told me she was so thrilled with her sample edit still sounding like her that she booked right away. My goal is to get your message across and retaining your voice is critical to that. To make sure you feel confident your voice stays, you receive a free sample edit before committing. 

Will the book still sound like I wrote it even after editing? 

There may be a way you could ditch the confusion and finally and confidently publish your book. I want to show you the way. 

Ready to publish with confidence?

So what do you say?